Lucky C Bouquet
Lucky C Surprise Bouquet or also known as Lucky C Bouquet is not just a company for profit but we prioritize satisfaction of our customer as well, hoping to spread happiness through our products and services.
Product & Service
Officially establised in 2021, Lucky C Bouquet offers a range of interesting products and services. We offer custom Chocolate Bouquet as our main product as well as Balloon Bouquet as our adds on according to customer request. Apart from that, delivery may be available for certain locations.
Business Location
We currently offer our products and services for customers around Papar district and Kota Kinabalu city
Product Innovation
Our creative artists are always working on creating magnificent crafts, giving you, our customer, more options. We focus on growing our product to satisfy our customer requests and to keep on track on the market trend.
Customer Reviews
We craft only the best quality. Hear from customers.
Our Products
Connect with us
We Craft, Love & Care
Kampung Langsat, Papar Sabah, Malaysia.
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Email Address
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Business Hours
MON to FRI: 8AMto 7PM
SAT & SUN: 2PM to 7PM